jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

Papel mache!

This is what I have been up to. I have been having a blast with these creatures and I sold a bunch already, although all of them to friends. Does it count?

Mientras Kevin está en el taller, yo me he puesto a hacer monos de papel mache. He vendido varios pero a conocidos y amigos, aunque todavía me quedan un par de semanas para tentar a los turistas!

Essas são as figurinhas de papel maché que tenho feito nessas semanas. Consegui vender varias e ainda tenho um bocado para vender nesses fins de semana que ainda temos em Cadaqués.


martes, 25 de marzo de 2008


Esta es la serie de grabados que mande al concurso "Miniprint". La unica regla es que la imagen tiene que ser menor que 10cm x 10cm, ya se imaginan que desafio. Son xilografias a color talladas en maderas que encontre en la playa. Me demore 2 semanas en terminarlas y me quede una noche hasta las 2 de la maniana para alcanzar a mandarlas a tiempo, pero quede feliz con el resultado.

This is the series of prints that I sent to "Miniprint", a contest where the only rule is to make an image smaller than 10cm x 10cm, quite a challenge! They are color woodcuts, made in pieces of wood that I found on the beach. I am quite pleased with the results :)

Essa e a serie de gravuras que fiz para o concurso "Miniprint", aonde a unica regra e fazer uma imagem menor de 10cm x 10cm. Sao gravuras em madeira, que fiz com madeiras encontradas na praia de Cadaques. Tive que fazer bem a ultima hora e com poucos recursos, mas gostei muito o resultado final.

Perdonen la calidad de las imagenes pero como se imaginan, en Cadques no hay scanners!

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008

Carnival / Carnaval!

Can you guess who?
Quien es?
Quem e?

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

Llegada a Cadaqués, Costa Brava

It took us 20 hours to get from Santiago to Barcelona, Spain. And then 2 more hours to drive to Cadaqués, of which the very last 20 minutes where through a narrow and windy road (Thank you Marsha for those anti-nausea bracelets!). Neither of us slept much through the trip, but I can tell you that as soon as we spotted the Mediterranean sea full of little white houses, our exhaustion vanished. Cadaqués is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and we are lucky enough to visit during low tourist season, is like the city is ours!

Fueron 20 horas de vuelo de Santiago a Barcelona y luego 2 horas mas de manejo, de las cuales 20 minutos fueron sobre una carretera ridículamente estrecha y llena de curvas. No dormimos casi nada durante el viaje, entre turbulencias y escalas varias (Sao Paulo Y Zürich), pero cuando se nos apareció el Mediterráneo poblado de casitas blancas, el cansancio se hizo humo. Cadaqués es si duda una de las ciudades mas hermosas del mundo, y tuvimos la suerte de llegar en temporada baja de turismo. Es como si la ciudad fuera nuestra!

Foram 20 horas de vôo e 2 horas mais de carro para chegar a Cadaqués, com os últimos 20 minutos sobre uma estrada estreita e cheia de curvas (Ai, meu São Dramim!). Não dormimos quase nada durante a viagem, mas quando vimos o Mediterrâneo cheio de casinhas brancas, o cansaço sumiu na hora. Cadaqués é sem duvida o lugar mais lindo do mundo, e tivemos a sorte de chegar em temporada baixa de turismo. é como se a cidade fosse nossa!

The view of the church of Santa Maria from the terrace of "Casa Lobo" (That's the house we are staying in).
La vista de la iglesia de Santa Maria desde la terraza de "Casa Lobo" (Es la casa en que nos estamos quedando).
A vista da igreja de Santa Maria desde o terraço de "Casa Lobo" (A casa em que estamos hospedados).

...And the view from our bedroom window.
...Y la vista desde la ventana de nuestro cuarto.
...E a vista da janela do nosso quarto.

Kevin going up the streets of Cadaqués. Very few of them are paved, they are mostly covered with layers of stone in a lovely pattern. People drive scooters or motorcycles, for some streets are so narrow that cars simply can't make it.
Kevin subiendo las calles de Cadaqués. Casi no hay calles pavimentadas, estan todas cubiertas con piedras texturadas y la gente maneja scooters o motocicletas, pues hay calles tan estrechas que los autos no pueden pasar.
Kevin subindo as ruas de Cadaqués. poucas delas estao asfaltadas, quase todas estao cobertas com pedras que formam uma linda textura no chao. As pessoas dirigem scooters ou motos, pois há ruas tao estreitas que os carros não conseguem passar.

The "Cucurucuc" rock is an icon of the bay.
La piedra "Cucurucuc" es un icono de la bahia.
A pedra "Cucurucuc" e um icono da bahia.

Kevin at his studio door.
Kevin en la puerta de su taller.
Kevin na porta de seu atelie.

A view of the interior of the same. Not bad, huh?
Una vista del interior. Nada mal, eh?
Uma vista do interior. Nada mal, nao e?

We are enduring the freezing cold by wearing jackets, scarfs and hats inside the house. Kevin took this picture because he said it reminded him of "The potatoes eaters" by Van Gogh (Below).
Estamos aguantando el frio gelido usando chaquetas, bufandas y gorros dentro de la casa. Kevin me tomo esta foto porque dice que le recorde a los "Comedores de patatas", de Van Gogh (Abajo).
Estamos aguenta do o frio gelido usando casacos, cachecois e chapeus dentro de casa. Kevin tomou esta foto porque pareceu-lhe os "Comedores de batata", de Van Gogh (Abaixo).

Awe. Our first beautiful day.
Impactante. Nuestro primer dia con buen tiempo.
De tirar o folego. Nosso primer dia com bom tempo.

Salvador Dali is toCadaqués what Frida Kahlo is to Mexico. His image is everywhere.
Salvador Dali es para Cadaqués lo que Frida Kahlo para Mexico. Su imagen esta en todas partes.
Salvador Dali e para Cadaqués o que Frida Kahlo para Mexico. Sua imagem esta em todos os cantos.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I wonder if people that live here ever get tired of this.
Lindo, lindo, lindo. Me pregunto si la gente que vive aqui se aburrirra jamas de todo esto.
Lindo, lindo, lindo. Sera que os moradores daqui cansarao algum dia dessa paisagem?

martes, 22 de enero de 2008

Embalse el Yeso – Cajón del Maipo Chile

El Yeso reservoir is a major source of drinking water for Santiago. To get there my brave sister Ana drove us in her jeep through REALLY narrow dirt paths, for around 30 minutes. We were starting to wonder if it was worth it until we spotted the breathtaking turquoise water. We were at 2.900m of altitude.

The beautiful view. People do windsurf and other water sports here. It is a gorgeous spot, but it is hard to reach unless you have a jeep or something similar.

You can get a sense of just how narrow the dirt path gets. It is specially terrifying because it is a two-way road, but only one car can fit in it. So every now and then you get an extension where you can wait for your right of way, but due to the many curves on the road you can't always see a car coming and eventually somebody will have to back up to let the other car go. Oh, did I mention that on one side of the path you have a mountain and on the other a deep, rough, precipice?

I am sorry... I have a beautiful country! The water temperature was cruel, though, I must say. 2 minutes and I couldn't feel my legs. Pure "cordillera" source!

A human wave, made of Lluch sisters with pedigree!

Gringo in the water, and frozen chilean.


Tunquen is Algarrobo's neighboring beach. We wanted to spend a day there to have the opportunity to baithe in the sea, because in Algarrobo the current is too rough. You can surely get in but it is unlikely that you will get out. But in Tunquen a surprise awaited for us: hundreds of jelly fish, an unusual phenomena for our cold ocean, brought in by global warming. So we decided to take a dip in "The humedal", a lagoon nearby.

My "little sister" Tani and I inspecting a jelly fish. They are quite big!

Another jelly, or like we call it in spanish "medusa". They usually get to the shore in tiny pieces, but we found a couple in pretty good shape. Needless to say, there weren't many people in the water...

Kevin with a "Pacena", trying to stay protected from the sun. In Chile the Ozone is pretty thin due to the pollution (We are in a valley, so the air is stuck), and the sun has no pity. We have been badly burnt in only 10 minutes.

Kevin discovered that the beach is composed of these 6 colors of sand grains.

Tani and I in the lagoon. The bottom was quite slimy, but no jellies here.